Green Bean Amandine
Mel R
Mushroom Burgers
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Eggplant Napoleon
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Grilled Veggies
French Bread
At The Pantry you will find an ever changing array of freshly prepared take home meals. Our CIA trained team of chefs are working from before daybreak to prepare awesome restaurant quality food to enjoy in the shop or @ home. Whether you are entertaining for a few people, or a large group, let us help you make the occasion special by incorporating some great food into the event. We intentionally limit the quantity of business that we accept at any one given window of time to help with controlling quality. This “system” of refusing excessive outside catering (while possibly not the best financial decision) has proven to keep our staff & customers both happier. A solid plan to work together with us works the best. Please note! The Pantry provides prepared foods only that are ready to heat up @ your home/event. For help with catering SERVICE, BARTENDING, RENTALS etc. contact Josh Stiebel @ Simply Serving (203) 905-0195 or email their company: info@simplyservingct.com
We have had a successful relationship working together for many years and they are the ♦ONLY♦ outside party service that we recommend 100%.
To visit their website please go to: http://www.setuptocleanup.com/
To view our menus clearly, try right clicking image and saving to print at full size
Current Catering Menu